Construction of CHPS Compound at Old Ebu.

The project was undertaken to provide a health care delivery facility at Old Ebu. The project commenced on 28th July 2016 with a ground breaking ceremony by Hon. Frank Pratt (Past DCE) and was completed on 5th January 2020. The delay of the project is attributed to the irregular flow of funds (DACF), The facility […]

Central Region marks World Youth Day in Abura Dunkwa

As the World Youth Day is marked across the world, the National Youth Authority (NYA) in collaboration with the Central Regional Coordinating Council (CRCC) and United Nations Fund for Population Agency (UNFPA) marked the 2016 Regional celebration of the World Youth Day in Abura Dunkwa in the Abura Asebu Kwamankese District. The Occasion which was […]

Collaborative Workshop between Local Government Service of Ghana and University of the West of England Bristol- United Kingdom

Good progress has been made since the Construction & Property Research Centre, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK commenced its exploratory research into leveraging rising urban land/property values to finance urban infrastructure development in Ghana in August, 2015. The research is being implemented in collaboration with Ghana’s Local Government Service. The aim […]

2-Day Capacity Building Workshop at Miklin Hotel, Kumasi

A two day capacity building workshop took place in Kumasi within the context of promoting good professional rapport among the Directors and Unit heads at the Secretariat, Regional Coordinating Directors and Metropolitan, Municipal and District Co-ordinating Directors (MMDCDs). In other words, the workshop was to share knowledge, experiences and best practices among others. In his […]