In attendance at the meeting was the DCE Hon. Willyevans Obiri Awuah, District Coordinating Director Dr. John A. Nunya, District Engineer Mark Nana Gyesi Mensah, Physical Planning Officer Frank Kwesi Mensah and the Chiefs of Abakrampa community on the 24th of May, 2023.

Pursuant the Land use and Spatial Planning Act 2016 Act 925, Land Owners are acquired to prepare layout before disposing off parcels of lands. The District Assembly is required to enforced the provision of this Act, for that reason, the District Chief Executive, District Co-ordinating Director and the Planning and Building Inspectorate Unit team engaged the Chiefs and Ebusua Mpanyinfo of Abakrampa on issues of layout preparations in the Community.

The focus was to help the Community plan, on how to get layout with the help of Nananom, Ebusua Mpanyinfo, Unit Committee Members and Artisans preferably mason and carpenters.

The Head of Works, Mr. Mark Nana Gyesi-Mensah, declared that, the purpose of the meeting was to educate Nananom on the need to get a layout so they could encourage Landowners and sensitize them on the need to get a layout before selling off their parcels of lands.

Items needed to secure a building permit as follows;

  1. A document (indenture) that proves the land belongs to the applicant or the ownership of the land.
  2. Completed permit application forms
  3. A cadastral plan that shows the layout and where the land could be located.
  4. The proposed development plan or project to be done on the land which has been endorsed by an engineer.


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Posted in Events, General News.

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