
AAK Ghana Education Service aims at making education more relevant and easily accessible to the socio-economic realities of the school going-age children, so that they will be able to live a productive and meaningful life in order to fit into the society and the global world at large.

The AAK directorate of GES has the following level of schools;

  • 93 basic schools (Public)
  • 68 private basic schools
  • 4 Secondary schools
  • 1 TVET
  • 1 ICESS



The AAK directorate of GES seeks to create an enabling environment in all educational institutions and management positions that will facilitate effective teaching and learning, and efficiency in management for the attainment of the goals of GES in general and AAK Directorate in particular.


To ensure that children of school-going age in the AAK district are provided with quality education and training through effective and efficient management of resources and stakeholders participation to make education delivery relevant to the manpower needs of Ghana and AAK district within a decade.


  • Ensures adequate supply of teaching and learning materials to all schools.
  • Improve teacher-community relationships.
  • Ensure regular and punctual attendance of teachers and pupils.
  • Enhance specific teaching skills through pre-service and school based in-service training.
  • A taskforce set within supervision to intensify monitoring of teachers.
  • Assess results of BECE to improve upon performance to 100 percent.
  • Motivation- both intrinsic and extrinsic to boost morals of staff.
  • Strengthen TVET, Guidance & Counseling and Girl child education.
  • Improve upon knowledge in the use of information and communicate technology in teaching and learning.


  • Strengthening supervision, monitoring and evaluation of school’s system.
  • Ensuring discipline, transparency in schools in preparation of school performance improvement plans and prudent use of the capitation grant.
  • Periodic appraisal of head teachers to ensure good performance of tasks.
  • Update circuit supervisors with good supervision and monitoring skills to do clinical supervision.
  • Task force will supervise work at various schools.
  • Delegation of authority and at the same time, ensure discipline among staff.
  • Decentralized bodies like the District Education Oversight Committee (DEOC), all stakeholders and District Assembly are partners in development and would be made to play active roles in management of education in the district.